


东方圣城 文宣王殿 雕梁画栋

In Qufu, the Oriental Holy City, Dacheng Hall owns intricately carved beams and pillars.

儒尊孔子 德侔天地 道贯古今

The Sage Master Confucius’contribution to mankind was as great as heaven and earth, and his ideology was unprecedented.

先哲睿思 泽流海外 惠及寰宇

Confucius’philosophical wisdom shined overseas and brought benefits to the whole world.

文以载道 数以载文 古今交融

Writings are for conveying truth, while digital language for traditional culture in the context of the fusion of ancient and modern times.

数字为媒 交流互鉴 和美大同

With digital language as a medium, the exchange and mutual understanding may bring forth a world of Great Harmony.



视频:谭天 周溪琳


策划:魏鹏 辛然
