The Visit from Lucton UK

上海莱克顿学校迎接来自莱克顿英国总校的现任校长David Bicker Caarten先生莅临进行访校活动。上海莱克顿学校自2018年秋天在中国落地生根,此次访校进一步夯实了莱克顿大家庭间蓬勃发展的合作纽带,展示了两所学校长期持续跨越千里,一脉相承的友好关系。

Mr. David Bicker Caarten, the current headmaster of Lucton School UK, visited Lucton School Shanghai, China. This visit further strengthens the collaborative bond between the Lucton community, showcasing the longstanding friendship between the two schools across vast distances.



Lucton School UK, an esteemed institution of education that has withstood the test of time, has a rich and illustrious history dating back to 1708. Nestled in the serene countryside of Herefordshire, England, the school"s commitment to small-class education aims to create a friendly and creatively stimulating learning environment for students.

在寰宇校园的造访之际, David Bicker Caarten校长与上海莱克顿学校的师生们展开了一次亲切而交融的交流访校活动。这次访问活动不仅加深了两所学校之间的友谊与合作,更彰显了两校犹如大家庭般的紧密联系

On the occasion of his visit to the global campus, Headmaster David engaged in a harmonious exchange with the faculty and students of Lucton School Shanghai.


除了与师生们的交流,David Bicker-Caarten校长还参观了上海莱克顿学校的校园设施。他对学校在短短几年内所取得的蓬勃发展表示赞叹不已,衷心赞赏学校领导团队和教师们默默付出的辛勤努力。他表示英国莱克顿与上海莱克顿学校之间的合作伙伴关系历经时间的考验。

The headmaster encouraged the students to fully unleash their talents and creativity, hoping that they would ignite their leadership potential. At the same time, he generously extended his blessings for the upcoming 5th-Anniversary Gala Dinner of Lucton School Shanghai, expressing his sincere well-wishes for the school.

On top of that, David also toured the campus facilities of Lucton School Shanghai. He was deeply impressed by the remarkable progress the school has achieved in just a few years, and sincerely appreciated the diligent efforts of the school"s leadership team and teachers.


Furthermore, the school will further strengthen its collaboration with Lucton School UK, aiming to enhance educational quality and students" overall development through the sharing of teaching resources and experiences.

Welcome to Lucton School Shanghai

